​An Interview with Our Beloved Charlie Bamforth: Tolerance and Respect

MBAA TQ http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/TQ-53-3-0731-01 | VIEW ARTICLE
Mark P. Sammartino. MBAA Technical Director.
I recently sat down with Dr. Charles Bamforth. This remarkable contributor to our industry who has added so much value remains extremely humble toward the level of contributions he has made. I have known of Charlie for a few years, mostly associated with my previous life at Anheuser-Busch. But more importantly, as I read more and more on brewing, I often found myself reading one of his papers or books (of which I own seven). Unique to Charlie is how he relates to the reader. He works hard to fashion what he is saying in a manner that all of us can understand. He takes complex concepts and turns them into useful ideas. Although I did not attend Davis, I see the same mindset in his students. I know quite a few, and without exception they all speak highly of him, as well as of the brewing industry at all levels. It is my hope that in reading this interview you will see the greater man behind that nearly always smiling face. Additionally, I hope that you will consider much of what Charlie has to offer about the possibilities for the future. As industry owners, we need to consider our roles and leadership within it.