​2016 Packaging Class Case Study Winning Presentation: A Pain in the Glass

MBAA TQ http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/TQ-53-3-0824-01 | VIEW ARTICLE
Mark Sammartino. MBAA Technical Director.
During each Packaging Course the students deal with a case study opportunity. These are given to the students on the first day of class, and the teams report on the last day. The concept is to dig deep for a reasonable cause-and-effect response while using the teachings within the class, but at the same time not just listing what was learned in the two-week session. This year’s groups were challenged that the winning team, picked by the class, would have an opportunity to show the results of their efforts to the greater MBAA. All six groups did an outstanding job. The winning team’s scenario concerned glass breakage. I hope that our readers will find this process interesting while respecting the challenge and effort applied in such a short time. Additionally, I hope that our readers may find some value in the process applied and the possibilities for solutions discussed and presented.