​​Growing the Gambrinus Family: Interview with Carlos Alvarez

MBAA TQ http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/TQ-52-4-1005-01 | VIEW ARTICLE
Mark Sammartino. MBAA Technical Director.
Recently, Carlos Alvarez, CEO and president of The Gambrinus Company out of San Antonio, Texas, donated to the University of California (UC) Davis and to Oregon State University (OSU) $1 million each to help with their brewing education programs. MBAA wanted to reach out to Carlos and introduce him to the greater readership of the Technical Quarterly. Additionally, MBAA wanted to recognize this generous gesture and to thank Carlos for his leadership in supporting brewing educational programs. I recently visited Carlos at his San Antonio office and at Shiner Brewery. We talked a little about his start in the industry, his focus on education, and his deep affection for his breweries and beers. This article includes excerpts from my conversations with Carlos.