To Congress Or Not To Congress | Master Brewers Webinar​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​Broadcast Date: April 13, 2021

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Webinar Summary

Malt quality parameters and specifications are what brewers use to purchase malt and determine its suitability for their brewing processes.  As such, malt quality has a substantial impact on brewing efficiency, profitability, and final beer quality.  Underlying many key malt quality parameters are the small-scale mash performed on the malt.  These malt quality parameters include extract, KI, FAN, wort viscosity/β-glucan, color, AAL, and filterability.  Interestingly the almost universally used Congress mash has its origins in the early 19th Century (Vienna, 1815) and the brewing protocols of that time.  Given the level of innovation that has taken place across the brewing and malting industries over the last two centuries, how well the Congress mash reflects the brewing parameters of modern 21st-century commercial mashing protocols?  This MBAA webinar will compare the parameters of the Congress mash (grist to water ratio, temperature profile, malt milling, liquor, mash duration) with current commercial practice.  The Webinar considers mash impacts on the key enzymes and the mash parameters on the mash outcomes via a short sequence of key slides that will be available to download.  This webinar seeks to inform brewers, maltsters, barley breeders, and researchers on the considerations with regard to mash selection for malt quality assessment.  The endpoint will be guidance on the mashes best suited to adjunct brewers and 100% malt brewers (including craft brewers).


About the Presenters​

Evan Evans
Tassie Beer Dr

Evan Evans graduated with a B. Agr. Sc. (Hons) in 1986, followed by a Ph.D. in 1990, both at The University of Melbourne. In 1992, he joined the University of Adelaide where he developed his interest in malting barley and brewing.  Between 2002 and 2013 he relocated to The University of Tasmania working towards improving malt quality to improve beer quality and the efficiency of the brewing process.  Dr. Evans has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers on brewing and malt quality issues.  In 2005, Dr. Evans was made a Fellow of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling.

Daniel Carey
New Glarus Brewing Company​

Daniel Carey operates the New Glarus Brewing Company in Wisconsin along with his business partner and wife, Deb, as well as two daughters and grandchildren. He shoveled out his first mash tun in 1979 while earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science at the University of California Davis under Michael Lewis. Dan was Valedictorian of the 1987 Siebel Institut​e Course in Brewing Science. He served his apprenticeship at the Ayinger Brewery near Munich then passed the Institute of Brewing Diploma Examination followed by the Master Brewer Exam. He also was a Production Supervisor for Anheuser-Busch. Dan won the Association of Brewers 2003 “Small Brewer of the Year” Award, the 2005 and 2006 “Mid Size Brewer of the Year” Awards as well as the 2006 Russell Schehrer Award for Innovations in Brewing.