2017 Master Brewers Conference
Events ​

Opening Happy Hour

Thursday, October 12: 5:15–6:45 p.m.

Wrap up the first day of the conference with a Happy Hour in the Exhibit Hall. Browse the newest innovations and connect with suppliers over a beer. The Exhibit Hall will be packed with resources to fulfill all your brewing needs. Don’t miss your chance to find the solutions that are right for you!

​Book signing: How to Brew: Everything You Need to Know to Brew Great Beer Every Time, 4th Edition

Thursday, October 12: 12:30–1:30 p.m.

Stop by the Master Brewers booth in the Exhibit Hall to pick up a copy of How to Brew and get it signed by the author, Master Brewers Publications Director John Palmer!

Meet & Greet with John Palmer

Friday, October 13: 12:45–1:45 p.m.

Calling all aspiring and veteran authors! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with John Palmer, the new Master Brewers Publications Director. Potential authors can use this time to discuss article ideas for the Technical Quarterly, as well as share ideas for books for possible publication/distribution with Master Brewers.

Volunteer Opportunity Fair

Friday, October 13: 5:30–6:15 p.m.

Join us at this exciting new event. Learn about all the different committees and other volunteer opportunities within Master Brewers, chat with committee chairs, and find out how you can get involved in committees and other opportunities.


Celebration Reception

Friday, October 13: 7:15–9:45 p.m.

Join your colleagues as we celebrate another successful Master Brewers conference! Kick back and connect with friends over food, beer, and hospitality. The Skyline level provides stunning views of Atlanta, a vibrant backdrop for fun and entertainment. Guests and Single Day attendees must purchase a ticket to attend this event.

Afterglow Party

Friday, October 13: 9:45–11:00 p.m.

Join your colleagues for a nightcap with Irish coffee and networking. 

The Afterglow Party is a Master Brewers Conference tradition sponsored by Malt-Europ-for-mbaa.png