​​​​​“Why Can’t We Can It?” – Aluminum Can Corrosion in “Hard-to-Hold” B​everages

​​​Broadcast Date: November 8, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central

View On-Demand Webinar

​Webinar Summary

​​​Sour beers and other sour fermented products like kombucha and kefir have spiked in popularity in recent years. With the increased use of aluminum beverage cans across the market, producers are noticing more frequent problems related to corrosion/shelf life in sour fermented products compared to ‘typical’ soft drinks/beer in cans. This webinar will provide you with the latest research on corrosion in aluminum cans and discuss how beverage pH and dissolved chemicals can impact the quality and shelf life of your fermented beverage products.​

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how corrosion and/or packaging failure can occur in canned beverages
  • Review a predictive model for can corrosion and shelf life based on critical components
  • Get key takeaways to improve quality and shelf life of canned products that you can use immediately in your brewery

About the Presenter


Austin Montgomery
Cornell University

Austin Montgomery graduated from Juniata College with a chemistry degree in 2020. Since then, he has been a Ph.D. student in Gavin Sacks’ flavor chemistry lab at Cornell University. His research focuses on understanding and mitigating off-aroma formation in beverages stored in aluminum cans. Outside of his thesis work, Austin is passionate about craft beer: he is a beer judge for the New York State Craft Beer Association and president of the Cornell brewing club, Big Red Brewing. Most recently, he was an innovation chemist with Atomo Coffee in Seattle, developing coffee grounds from upcycled food waste and learning about coffee chemistry.