2024 Course Dates & Format​​

The Brewery Maintenance Systems Course consists of six weeks of virtual instruction (self-paced with weekly live discussion sessions) and a week of in-person instruction with tours, group projects, and hands-on practice.​ Attendees must complete the virtual and in-person components of the course.

Orientation: May 29, 2024 1:00-2:00​ Cent​ral Daylight Time

Virtual Learning: June 6 - July 25, 2024

In-Person Learning: August 4-9, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota​

Registration is now closed​

Go to your Course

To register and pay by check or invoice, please complete and return the course registration form​.​​

​Interested in tuition or travel assistance? Find out more about 2024 scholarship offerings and requirements!


​Course Director

Katrina Bruner — Assistant Brewmaster, AB InBev

Katrina Bruner On a visit to Alaskan Brewing in Juneau with her father, Katrina discovered an exciting use for her degree in Chemical Engineering from UC San Diego. Turns out that a combination of creativity and a solid background in chemical engineering are necessary to sustain a successful brewery in a remote area!

Since that fateful discovery, she has had an impressive range of experience and training in brewing prior to her current role as cold-side assistant brewmaster for AB InBev. Some of these include an internship at Ballast Point Brewing, a master’s degree in food science from the University of Georgia, developing a sensory program at Creature Comforts Brewing, a stint as a quality analyst at Terrapin Beer Co., and an MBA from Kennesaw State University.

During her seven years with AB InBev, she has held the roles of group manager for Anheuser-Busch's newest brewhouse in the USA; business process manager for cellars, finishing, and releasing; manager of the brewing and maintenance department; innovations manager; and assistant brewmaster in Los Angeles.

Outside of work, Katrina enjoys traveling with her husband, James, seeking out exciting new places to drink a beer, exploring all there is to do in Southern California, and relaxing with her two cats, Max, and Myrtle.

Course Summary​

Course Testimonials

"A fantastic opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with peers from around the world."
— Carey Fristoe, Black Spruce Brewing Company

"It is a great overview, with deep dives into specific areas of a variety of maintenance programs."
— Ryan Foley, Left Hand Brewing

"The networking opportunities abound, you have an unrivaled opportunity to speak with and share ideas with some of the brightest minds in the industry."
— Micheil McElvey, Cigar City Brewing

"Loads of useful knowledge that you can take back to your day-to-day challenges ... and great networking between the fellow students and SMEs."
— James Bruner, City Brewing - IRWINDALE Brew Yard

"I would highly recommend it, worth every penny."
— Craig Murphy, Jack's Abby Brewing

As a student in the Brewery Maintenance Systems Course, you will benefit from the experience and wisdom of more than 20 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the field. You will increase your knowledge on the maintenance and engineering technology principles and processes serving as the foundation of brewing, utility, and packaging system design and operation.

In this hybrid course, you'll learn, discuss, and interact with instructors and classmates for six weeks online, and then gather in person for five days of collaborative​ learning, demonstrations, and tours at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN.​

Featured Topics

  • ​​Brewery Safety
  • SOPs
  • Supply Water
  • Pumps
  • Chiller Systems
  • Steam
  • Compressed Air
  • CO2 Systems
  • Sanitation / CIP
  • Waste Water
  • Maintenance Software
  • Floors and Drains
  • Brewery Automation
  • Valves​

Key Takeaways

  • Greater understanding of the scientific principles associated with brewery processes and maintenance systems.
  • Best practices for system maintenance to help save time and money in your brewery.
  • Appropriate protocols for your brewery to troubleshoot and maintain equipment.
  • Operational understa​nding of the primary disciplines of brewery systems engineering along with recommended operational guidelines and system considerations.

Skill Building through Real-Life Scenarios & Expert Collaboration

  • ​​Learn to conduct guided discussions and solve common brewery maintenance problems through real-life examples and scenarios led by SMEs.
  • Gain best practices from brewery experts that you can immediately apply within your own brewery.  ​
  • Takeaway a more complete perspective on your industry with greater confidence to tackle on-the-job issues​ by developing a clearer understanding of brewing, utility, packaging systems, engineering, maintenance, and technology.
  • Expand your peer network and foster relationships with Subject Matter Experts that can assist and support you long after the course ends.

Course Schedule

The schedule is still subject to change. 

View 2024​ Sche​du​le​


Course Requirements

  1. ​​​Both the virtual and in-person components of the course are required to receive a certificate of completion.
  2. The virtual portion of the course requires a significant time commitment. Students must be able to:
    • ​​​Dedicate 10-12 hours per week for virtual co​ursework.
    • Set aside time from work t​o participate in the live, online discussion sessions taking place 1:00 - 4:00 pm Central Time on Thursdays during the six weeks of virtual learning (it is not possible to work while attending these interactive virtual sessions)​.​
  3. By registering for this course you agree to abide by the Master Brewers Behavior Policy​.

Virtual Requirements

  • I​ndependent learning: virtual lesson videos and assignments
    • ​10-12 hours per week*
  • Participation in the Maintenance Course Community: interact with classmates and Subject Matter Experts
    • 1 hour per week*
  • Live virtual discussion/ Q&A sessions
    • 1:00- 4:00 pm Central Time on Thursdays
    • Students are expected to take time off from their job to participate in the live discussion sessions

In-Person Requirements

  • Travel to Minneapolis, MN
    • Travel costs are covered by the student
    • A hotel room and two meals per day are included in the tuition
  • Participate in collaborative learning, demonstrations, networking, and facility tours
  • Summative small group project: synthesize and apply learnings

* Time commitments are estimates. The actual time may vary from week to week and person to person.

Course Cost

Included with Tuition

  • Lodging accommodations at the in-person class site in Minneapolis
  • Two meals per day during in-person class times​
  • On-site tours
  • Opening and closing banquets for the in-person week
  • Educational materials and job aids
  • Networking and relationship-building activities​

​Registration Type

​Tuition (Room & Board Inclusive)

Master Brewers Members


Course + New Membership




Is This Course Right for Me?

Students that are the most successful in learning from and completing this course are:

  • willing to invest time and effort to deepen their understanding of brewery processes and equipment
  • open to sharing their own experiences
  • interested in expanding their professional network
  • dedicated learning in a virtual and in-person classroom environment.

Our course curriculum assumes that you have at least some experience working in or supporting the brewing industry as well as a high school-level understanding of mathematics and science, and a basic understanding of engineering and operational technologies. If this doesn't describe you – no worries! You can still benefit from the course if you are willing to engage with new material, ask for support from your instructors or peers, and dedicate extra time to the educational materials (as needed).​

Cancellations & Refunds

Only the first 55 applications accompanied by the tuition fee, paid in full (US funds only), will be accepted. Course tuition includes educational materials, breakfast, and lunch on days of instruction, opening and closing banquets, and accommodations. Cancellations received by Master Brewers Headquarters on or before May 24, 2024, will be issued a credit equal to the registration fee, less $100 processing fee, which will be good for two years toward any Master Brewers continuing education program. Notices of cancellation after May 24, 2024, will not be eligible for a credit. Master Brewers reserves the right to cancel the course if a sufficient number of registrations are not received by May 24, 2024. If Master Brewers cancels this course, your registration fee will be refunded in full. In the event Master Brewers cancels this course, Master Brewers is not liable for nonrefundable airfares or ticket change penalties imposed by the airlines. By registering for this course, you agree to the cancellation and refund terms and conditions.

​Questions? Email mbaa@mbaa.com or call +1 (651) 454-7250.