​Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub

​District Meeting
Wednesday August 18, 2010
Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub
1401 Miner Street, Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452



Please RSVP* by Friday,August 13 to Jonathan Kemp at jkempmbaa@gmail.com
Cost: $15 for members/$30 for non-members
Pay at the meeting

Brewers please bring “samples” of your favorites to share at the meeting!


5:00 - 6:00


6:00 - 6:15

Business Meeting

6:15 - 6:45

Technical Presentation:
Small-Town Brewing on a Big-Time Interstate
by Larry Nemnich, Jim Schwab, Steve Indrehus, and Eric Rode

6:45 - 7:30

Brewery Tours

7:30 - 8:30


8:30 - 9:30

Closing social and door prizes


Larry Nemnich, President
Jim Schwab, Sales & Distribution
Steve Indrehus, Head Brewer
Eric Rode, Lead Brewer


Small-Town Brewing on a Big-Time Interstate


Tommyknocker Brewery & Pub opened its doors in December 1994 in historic downtown Idaho Springs in a building built in 1892. It was originally home to an old stage stop on the edge of the frontier. Later it would be known as The Placer Inn, and become a bowling alley.

Tommyknocker Brewery is a 20 bbl. brewhouse, housing 14 fermenters, 6 bright tanks, 15 taps, and a small bottling line, producing 8000+ bbls. of beer a year. Currently, we are underway on an expansion. This expansion adds 8000 sq. ft. to the brewery, more than doubles the size of the kitchen, adds over 125 seats to the restaurant, and two vacation rental apartments. You’ll be given background about TKB including some of the different phases, struggles and successes we’ve had.

All hands will be on deck to show you around and enjoy great food and beer.

​C.V. - Brief:

Larry Nemnich, President - Larry has been with TKB since the beginning, almost sixteen years ago. He began his career with our company as the general manager and has been our president for the past nine years.

Steve Indrehus, Head Brewer - Steve has been with TKB for fourteen years. Previously, Steve worked for Wasatch Brewing Company in Park City, Utah. In addition to brewing, he also has had the opportunity to work for Mont Elise Vineyards in Bingen, Washington.

Eric Rode, Lead Brewer - Eric spent some of his brewing days with New Belgium Brewery and CB Potts before joining TKB. He has been with us for twelve years and is an integral member of our team.

Jim Schwab, Sales & Distribution -Jim has been with TKB for the past eight years. Prior to his arrival at Tommyknocker Brewery, he worked for another little brewery down the canyon for a long, long time…

Press Release Summer 2010

The summer meeting for District Rocky Mountain was held on August 18, 2010. We were graciously welcomed by the Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub, Idaho Springs, CO. Our hosts were Larry Nemnich, Steve Indrehus and Jim Schwab. The festivities for the evening began at about 5:30 pm with the social hour and tours of the brewery. Unfortunately, half the attendees were stuck on the side of the road at Interstate 70 and the Evergreen exit! It was, as they say, “a long day!”

As bad luck would have it, the Fort Collins contingent to the meeting (enjoying a comfortable chartered bus ride) had a mechanical breakdown just 20 minutes short of our destination. Fortunately, we had the right tools and the right talent riding shotgun for the driver (Photo 1). The Fort Collins team quickly discovered the cause of the problem (a broken coolant hose), then strategized the repairs, “Where’s the duct tape?” Initially we tried to flag drivers down on I 70 with a promise of trading BEER for duct tape (Photo 2) – quite a bargain for takers! After a thorough examination of the storage compartments of the vehicle, we found ratchets and spare hoses. Then finally, through a truly amazing show of team work, we managed to ‘empty’ enough beer bottles (Photo 3), re-fill with melted beer cooler water (Photo 4) and top off the radiator reservoir enough to limp to our destination – 2 hours late. Just in time too! We were running low on full bottles of beer. Luckily Tommyknocker was well prepared with a scrumptious meal and cold beer!

Our technical speakers for the evening were the owners and operators of Tommyknocker Brewery. Jim Schwab and Steve Indrehus tagged teamed for the presentation to the group. The talk was titled Small Town Brewing on Big Time Interstate. We were treated to an in depth discussion of the Tommyknocker’s history, brewery specifications and growth challenges. Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub opened its doors in December 1994 in historic downtown Idaho Springs in a building built in 1892. The brewhouse is a 20 bbl system; there are (12) 40-bbl fermenters and (2) 60 bbl fermenters. A total of 9 people run the brewery/bottling and trucking department. They are presently undergoing a major expansion to the restaurant and the brewery. The Tommyknocker Team should run their millionth case through the filter by the first quarter of 2011. The entire detailed Powerpoint presentation is available for viewing on the restricted access MBAA-RMD web page http://www.ebcii.com/mbaapassword/mbaarmd.html.

President Jeff Biegert conducted a short and sweet business meeting due to the late arriving bus ‘mechanics’. Our membership continues to grow, we are over 200 members. Steve Presley reminded members that scholarships are available and that members need to take advantage of the program. Jim Canary gave a quick Treasurer’s report. He mentioned that the district has approximately $15,000.00 between the checking and savings accounts.

Final note of business: The next function sponsored by District Rocky Mountain is the Annual Out of Towner to be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday September 24, 25 and 25. The OOT will be held in Grand Lake. Check out the website for details and for the rest of the calendar for 2010.


MBAA RMD Out-of-Towner Meeting


Friday, September 24 – Sunday, September 26, 2010


Grand Lake Brewing Co.
915 Grand Avenue, Grand Lake, CO 80447
Ph: 970-627-1711

Prepaid Cost:

$30/member couple; $20/ member, and $45/ non-member
Make checks payable to MBAA & send to
Jonathan Kemp, 3819 Granite Ct,, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80526
Covers the cost of The Social gathering at Grand Lake Brewing Co. (Fri.) & The BBQ/picnic at Winding River Resort (Sat.)

James (Jim) Canary
Publicity Chairman & Treasurer
Master Brewers Association of the Americas, District Rocky Mountain
August 25, 2010