​​2023 Summer Social Sponsors​

Thank you to all of our sponsors for your support. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact Wade Begrow for more information!! begroww@foundersbrewing.com

MBAA Michigan relies on support from industry partners. By becoming a sponsor of the MBAA Michigan Summer Social, you can help support local brewers continue to create amazing beer. This year, we are offering multiple levels of sponsorship.

  • Platinum Sponsor - $1000
    • Your organization's name will be prominently included in the event's title.
    • Your logo will be prominently displayed on the T-Shirt and/or banner
    • You are invited to send one promotional email to Summer Social attendees as a follow up
    • 2 registration tickets are included
  • Gold Sponsor - $750
    • Your organization's name and/or logo will be displayed on the T-shirt and/or banner as a gold sponsor
    • You are invited to send one promotional email to Summer Social attendees as a follow up
    • One registration ticket is included
  • Silver Sponsor - $500
    • Your organization's name and/or logo will be displayed on the T-shirt and/or banner as a silver sponsor
    • One registration ticket is included
  • Bronze Sponsor - $250
    • Your organization will be listed on the T-shirt and/or banner as a bronze sponsor

​Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsors
