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2017 Master Brewers Conference
31. Malting and brewing naked... oats

Jordon Geurts, Briess Malt & Ingredients, Chilton, WI, U.S.A.

Coauthor(s): Dan Bies, Briess Malt & Ingredients, Chilton, WI, U.S.A.

Malt and Grains I
Friday, October 13
8:00–9:45 a.m.
Imperial Salon B

In the everlasting quest for new brewing products we evaluated the malting potential of naked oats and their practical use in brewing. Using alternative sources of grain in your beer can provide unique colors and flavors to set your beer apart. Rather than using oats as an additional component, we aimed to use them as the main ingredient. Through adjustments in the malting and kilning process, we were able to make an enzymatically active, lightly kilned malt capable of a self-converting mash as well as some more colorful and flavorful versions. We completed our evaluation by assessing the sensory attributes of 100% oat beer. This presentation shares our journey from seed to suds.

Jordon earned a B.S. degree in biology with an emphasis in ecology and organismal biology from the University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh. Prior to Briess, Jordon worked with the USDA in its Cereal Crops Research Unit as a lab technician in the Barley Malt Quality Lab in Madison, Wisconsin. In his role at the USDA he specialized in small batch and pilot malting. In his current role at Briess, he provides technical support services for quality assurance, quality control, and R&D projects.