​​Allow Me To Clarify

​Broadcast Date: April 20, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM Central

View On-Demand Webinar

​Webinar Summary

Many brewers have relied on process techniques that do not include filtration and so are unfamiliar with what filtration has to offer in terms of clarity and stability. As brewers grow into larger operations, they often depend on distributors and retailers to treat their beers carefully. Shelf stability becomes increasingly important to maintain a consistent product, and filtration is one method to assist the brewer in achieving a longer shelf life. This webinar will explore the many different methods and equipment choices available to brewers to ensure their beers maintain their desired quality throughout the sales and distribution process.​

Learning Objectives

​​In this session, attendees will learn:

  • What is filtration

  • What are the various types of filters available

  • What does filtration do to beer

About the Presenter

Kristopher Kalav

Kristopher Kalav began his brewing career at the legacy brewery Jos. Huber Brewing Co. in 1996 as Laboratory Manager, becoming Assistant Brewmaster under Hans Kestler in 1997. Several years later, Hans retired, and after attending the MBAA Brewing and Malting Science and Packaging courses, Kris assumed the position of Director of Brewing Operations. Recipe development and neutral base production were top priorities, as were developing and implementing the cleaning and sanitation and HACCP programs and updating laboratory methodology to better meet the challenges of testing new product types. Production accelerated in 2006 under new ownership, and new SKU’swere added at a furious pace, eventually increasing production to nearly 500,000 bbls/yr.

Kris joined ATPGroup in 2015 to bring regional brewing knowledge to the ever-increasing number of small breweries growing​ around the country. Teaching new brewers about the complexities of the brewing process that they might not have experienced yet has been rewarding. MBAA membership since 2000 has provided invaluable insight and information that Kris has passed along to the next generation of brewers.

Kris is a graduate of the University of Illinois – Chicago with degrees in Biology and Chemistry.