​Using the Internet to Find the Past

​Now, well into my second year as MBAA’s heritage chair, one of my greatest sources of joy has been experiencing the degree to which this position nurtures the give-and-take of a two-way street. Items of historical interest flow from me to the world at large. And items of historical interest flow from the world at large right back to me.
The Internet plays a significant role in this give–take relationship, offering uncountable resources. For example, a few weeks ago, we received an e-mail from former MBAA President Jaime Jurado (2005–2006), alerting us to the wonderful story of Hans Timmermann, also a former MBAA president (1972–1973). The story was written by his son, H. R. (Tim) Timmermann Jr. It beautifully chronicles his father’s brewing career, beginning with his emigration from Germany in 1933, the unique challenges of life during WWII, and his desire to always give back to his community. I was particularly moved by Tim’s comment: “After the war broke out, Hans and all other German born Brewery workers (80 in total) were dis­missed because they were said to be ‘born in the wrong country’.” This little gem is near and dear to my heart as my own father, Richard August Seemueller, a right-off-the-boat German, endured much the same. I won’t retell Tim’s story here. You can read it for yourself at this link: http://local2.ca/ssm/viewarticle.php?id=9802.
And that link is the point of this month’s heritage piece. I am exploring the possibility of offering a page on our MBAA web­site that includes a listing of links such as this one. Each listing would link to a specific site or a single article that show­cases items of heritage/historical interest, just like the story of Hans Timmermann. I see the page as something that would build upon what members send us, providing an opportunity for all to share the rich tapestry of their local brewing history, prominently displayed right on our national website. Later perhaps, as the number of links grows with newer, additional of­ferings, those older links that are deemed pertinent enough might find a permanent home on the appropriate local district web page.
I see it as another opportunity to showcase Local Hands-On-Heritage. Please let me know what you think about this. And please, don’t forget to read Tim Timmermann’s wonderful piece.