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157. Control of Fusarium sp. growth on barley and malt by means of chlorine dioxide

Kris Krüger (1), Henry Von Rège (1); (1) Sealed Air Corporation, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.

Malt and Grains

Contamination of barley and malt with Fusarium mold is one of the long-term issues malt producers and brewers have to deal with. Fusarium sp. is a contributor to beer gushing, formation of red grains, and particularly to the production of several carcinogenic toxins. Different attempts are known to control and reduce Fusarium sp. growth, but none of them is fully effective. The presented work reviews a concept to add chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to the water used for steeping and germination of barley. Safe generation of ClO2, point of dosing, monitoring of ClO2 and having correct safety procedures in place play an essential role and will be reviewed. Laboratory, semi-industrial, as well as industrial trials proved data on functionality of ClO2 application on malt during steeping and germination to push back Fusarium sp. Specifically, the addition of ClO2 to the water used during germination was found to have the most impact on controlling Fusarium growth. Batches treated with ClO2 under industrial conditions show a significant drop in Fusarium counts (>90% at end of germination) compared to blank controls (water only), as well on the number of red grains and gushing in ready malt. Data shows malt and wort produced from barley treated with ClO2 does not have any deviations compared to material sprayed with pure water. No residues of ClO2 and its by-products were found in the malt, and there were no quality changes in the wort produced from malt treated with ClO2. As a conclusion, the concept can be an enabler of Fusarium mold, gushing, and red grain reduction. It does not, however, solve the issues completely. This review reflects and uses some of the data and content from a publication in Brewing Science, vol. 67, 2014 (P. Basař et al.). Note by the submitter: This review will reflect and use some of the data and content from a publication in Brewing Science Vol 67 2014 (Authors: P. Basa?, H. v. Rège, K. Kosa?, L. Sachambula and P. Kubizniaková).

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