The Enzymology of Cell Wall Breakdown During Malting and Mashing: An Overview

Peer-Reviewed Paper

MBAA TQ doi:10.1094/TQ-47-1-0309-01  |  VIEW ARTICLE

C. W. Bamforth. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California, Davis, CA.

Enzymolysis of the cell walls of the starchy endosperm of barley can be considered a two-stage process: solubilization and polymer digestion. Solubilase enzymes include not only carboxypeptidase acting as an esterase, but also other enzymes, notably an early-developing xylanase. It is supposed that pentosan is primarily located on the outside of the cell wall. Nonetheless, pentosan is less efficiently degraded than beta-glucan, probably because the chief xylanases are blocked by an endogenous inhibitor. Although there can be very efficient depolymerization of beta-glucan, it appears that degradation is incomplete and that the primary hydrolysis products are beta-linked oligosaccharides. This is likely because the exo-glucanases that hydrolyze them develop late in germination and also have a very low affinity for their substrates. The advantage of this for the brewer is that beer can be legitimately claimed as a good source of putative prebiotics.

Keywords: arabinoxylan, cell wall, enzymes, fiber, beta-glucan, prebiotics 

La enzim�lisis de las paredes de las c�lulas del endospermo feculento de la cebada puede ser considerada un proceso de dos etapas: la solubilizaci�n y la digesti�n polim�rica. Enzimas solubilasas no solo son las carboxipeptidasas fungiendo de esterasas, sino tambi�n otras enzimas, particularmente una xilanasa de desarrollo precoz. Si bien se supone que el pentosano se encuentra en la parte externa de la pared de la c�lula, el hecho es que este se degrada m�s lentamente que el beta-glucano, posiblemente porque las xilanasas principales son bloqueadas por un inhibidor endovenoso. A pesar de que pueda haber una depolimerizaci�n muy eficiente de beta-glucano, pareciera que su degradaci�n es incompleta y que sus productos primarios de la hidr�lisis son oligosac�ridos con lazos beta. Esto probablemente se debe a que las exo-glucanasas que los hidroliza se desarrollan tard�amente durante la germinaci�n y tambi�n porque tienen una muy baja afinidad por sus sustratos. Esto permite decir leg�timamente que la cerveza es una buena fuente de prebi�ticos putativos.

Palabras claves: arabioxilano, fibra, beta-glucano, pared de c�lula, prebi�ticos


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