The Recovery of Polyphenols from PVPP and Their Antioxidant Capacity

MBAA TQ vol. 45, no. 3, 2008, pp. 283-285  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Charles W. Bamforth and J. Caleb May. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8598.

There was incomplete recovery of polyphenols during washing of polyvinylpolypyrollidone (PVPP) that had been used to treat beer. A caustic agent, at most, recovered 20% of the polyphenols (although commercial practices generally involve the use of elevated temperatures, the agent was used at ambient temperature). Repeated washing with deionized water recovered 42% of the polyphenols, while refluxing with alcohol recovered almost 30% of the polyphenols from the PVPP. Recovered polyphenols retained their antioxidant potential. In a separate feature of this investigation, it was confirmed that different products displayed differing antioxidant potentials depending on the assay employed. However, in one assay (hydroxyl scavenging) beer fared better than red wine, even though assays were not normalized for polyphenol content and the levels of the latter in red wine were far higher.

Keywords: antioxidant, assay, polyphenols, PVPP, recovery


La recuperaci�n de polifenoles en el lavado de polivinilpolipirolidona (PVPP) despu�s del tratamiento de cerveza fue incompleta. Un agente alcalino recuper�, a lo sumo, un 20% de los polifenoles a una temperatura de ambiente (aunque normalmente se utilizan temperaturas m�s altas). Lavados repetidos con agua desionizada recuper� 42% de los polifenoles del PVPP, mientras que el reflujo con alcohol recuper� el 30%. Los polifenoles recuperados mantuvieron su potencial antioxidante. Otra �rea investigada confirm� que diferentes productos mostraron diferentes potenciales antioxidantes dependiendo del m�todo de an�lisis utilizado. En un tipo de ensayo (�hydroxil scavenging�), cerveza result� mejor que vino tinto (el ensayo no estuvo normalizado seg�n contenido de polifenoles y los niveles de estos en el vino tinto eran m�s altos).

Palabras claves: antioxidantes, ensayo, polifenoles, PVPP, recuperaci�n


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