The Endoproteinases of Barley and Malt and Their Endogenous Inhibitors

MBAA TQ vol. 45, no. 3, 2008, pp. 279-282  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Berne L. Jones. 316 Battle Ridge Road, Kooskia, ID 83539.

Research in the area of soluble protein of malt has always been of interest to brewers. During the malting and brewing processes, a portion of the barley proteins must be degraded to amino acids and small peptides. Among other problems, if too little protein hydrolysis occurs, there will be insufficient low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds in the wort for optimal yeast nourishment. Alternatively, too much hydrolysis will deplete the wort of proteins that are necessary for good beer foam formation, mouthfeel, etc. The endoproteinases of barley and malt are the enzymes that initially catalyze the hydrolysis of insoluble barley storage proteins and, thus, play major roles in determining whether a given barley variety will be useful for malting and brewing. The four common types of proteinases (cysteine, aspartic, serine, and metalloproteinase) are discussed in this paper. Additionally, after it was discovered that the pH values and redox states of mashes strongly affect their proteolytic activities, quantitative studies were carried out to measure how these variables affect the protein solubilization that occurs during mashing.

Keywords: endoproteinases, malt proteinases, soluble protein of malt


Las investigaciones con respecto a la prote�na soluble en malta siempre han sido de inter�s al cervecero. Una porci�n de las prote�nas de la cebada debe ser degradada a amino �cidos y a peque�as mol�culas pept�dicas durante los procesos de malteo y elaboraci�n de cerveza. Hay que notar que una hidr�lisis excesiva eliminar�a prote�nas del mosto necesarias para una buena formaci�n y estabilidad de la espuma, as� como para la sensaci�n bucal (�cuerpo�) y otros par�metros de calidad. Las endoprote�nasas de cebada y malta son las enzimas que inicialmente catalizan la hidr�lisis de prote�nas insolubles de almacenamiento de la cebada, por lo que juegan un importante papel al determinar si una dada variedad de cebada ser�a �til para el malteo y para la elaboraci�n de cerveza. Se eval�an los cuatro tipos m�s comunes de proteinasas (cyste�n, asp�rtica, ser�n, y metaloproteinasa). Despu�s de descubrir que el estado de reducci�n/oxidaci�n y el pH de la maceraci�n afectan las actividades proteol�ticas, se hizo un estudio para medir las variables que afectan la solubilizaci�n de prote�nas que ocurren durante la maceraci�n.

Palabras claves: endoproteinasas, proteinasas de malta, prote�na soluble de la malta


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