Some Links Between Total Nitrogen, beta-Glucan, and Steeliness in Relation to Barley and Malt Quality

MBAA TQ vol. 44, no. 1, 2007, pp. 32-39  |  VIEW ARTICLE

R. C. Agu. The Scotch Whisky Research Institute, Research Park, North Riccarton, Edinburgh, Scotland.

The relationships between total nitrogen, beta-glucan, and steeliness with regard to barley and malt quality were investigated. The results obtained showed that some important relationships exist between these three quality parameters of barley. An inverse relationship was found between beta-glucan and percentage of steeliness in barley. In contrast, a direct relationship was found between percentage of steeliness and nitrogen content of barley. The relationship also showed that while nitrogen content of barley was linked with those proteins that can produce both free amino nitrogen (FAN) and peptide nitrogen, steeliness in barley was linked with those proteins that produce only FAN in malted barley. Furthermore, although the proteins associated with nitrogen are involved in the production of enzymes in malted barley, the proteins associated with steeliness in barley did not show similar involvement in enzyme production in malted barley. This confirms the well-known saying that �all enzymes are proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes.� Steeliness and beta-glucan in barley seem to play a more important role in determining the level of extract yield obtained from malted barley than does total nitrogen content.

Keywords: alpha-amylase, barley, beta-glucan, extract, nitrogen, soluble nitrogen, steeliness 

Se investig� la relaci�n que existe entre nitr�geno total, beta-glucano y �steeliness� (�dureza como acero�) y su influencia sobre la calidad de la cebada y malta. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que existen algunas relaciones importantes entre estos tres par�metros de cebada. Se encontr� una relaci�n inversa entre beta-glucano y �steeliness�, mientras que se encontr� una relaci�n directa entre el contenido de nitr�geno y �steeliness.� Tambi�n se observ� que el contenido de nitr�geno de la cebada estaba relacionada con aquellas prote�nas que producen tanto amino-nitr�geno libre (FAN) como nitr�geno pept�dico, mientras que el �steeliness� estaba relacionada con aquellas prote�nas que �nicamente produc�an FAN de la cebada malteada. Es m�s, si bien las prote�nas asociadas con nitr�geno est�n involucradas en la producci�n de enzimas en cebada malteada, las prote�nas asociadas con �steeliness� en cebada no mostraron igual propensi�n en la producci�n de enzimas. Esto confirma el viejo dicho �toda enzima es proteica, pero no todas las prote�nas son enzimas.� �Steeliness� y beta-glucano en cebada parecieran tener un papel m�s importante que el contenido de nitr�geno total en la determinaci�n del rendimiento de extracto de la cebada malteada.

Palabras claves: alfa-amilasa, beta-glucano, cebada, extracto, nitr�geno, nitr�geno soluble, �steeliness�


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