Four Classical and Complementary Microbiological Media Useful Within the Fermentation Industry: Two for Detecting Bacteria and Two for Detecting Yeast

MBAA TQ vol. 43, no. 4, 2006, pp. 270-276  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Gary Spedding, Ph.D. Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services, LLC, Lexington, KY.

This paper presents details of four key microbiological media that are valuable for use by brewers and, furthermore, proposes that they should be equally useful for the detection and enumeration of bacteria and yeasts in wineries, distilleries, and fuel ethanol plants. As a set of four media, they should prove effective for most work done in the fermentation laboratory. The formulation, preparation, and uses of each of the media are presented, together with some appropriate quality-control parameters necessary for judging each of them. To provide readers with information on the value and full cost benefits of the use of each of the four media, approximations of the anticipated costs to manufacture (at this time) typical 500-g batches of each of the media are also presented. This economic perspective is not usually presented with regard to key materials and, therefore, will be of benefit to many smaller laboratory operations. As the ethanol industry expands in new directions, both in terms of potable and fuel ethanol, it is believed that these four microbiological media will be used in more applications to help improve production quality and efficiency.

Keywords: bacteria, brewing, distilling, microbiological media, wild yeast, yeast 

Se presentan detalles de cuatro medios microbiol�gicos claves que son de gran valor a los cerveceros y se propone que deben ser igualmente �tiles para la detecci�n y enumeraci�n de bacterias y levaduras en vin�colas, destiler�as y plantas de producci�n de etanol como combustible. Como un conjunto de cuatro medios, debe ser muy eficaz para la mayor�a de los trabajos en un laboratorio de la industria de fermentaci�n. Se discute sobre la formulaci�n, preparaci�n y modo de utilizar de cada uno de estos medios, adem�s de dar los par�metros apropiados de control de calidad necesarios para juzgar cada uno de ellos. Para que se pueda estimar el valor y los beneficios de costos del uso de estos medios, se da un valor aproximado de lo que se piensa ser�an los costos de manufactura (actual) de lotes de 500 g de cada uno. La perspectiva econ�mica con materiales claves normalmente no se presenta, por lo que esta informaci�n ser� bienvenida por laboratorios peque�os. Se piensa que estos cuatro medios se usar�n en m�s aplicaciones para ayudar mejorar la calidad y eficiencia de producci�n al expandirse la industria de etanol, tanto para usos potables como para combustible.

Palabras claves: bacterias, elaboraci�n de cerveza, destilaci�n, medios microbiol�gicos, levadura salvaje, levadura


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