A Comparison Between the Instrumental Measurement of Head Retention/Lacing and Perceived Foam Quality

Peer-Reviewed Paper

MBAA TQ vol. 43, no. 3, 2006, pp. 173-176  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Jeremy R. Roza, Candace E. Wallin, and Charles W. Bamforth. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8598.

Foam measurements made with two instruments, the NIBEM-TPH foam stability analyzer and the NIBEM-CLM foam cling analyzer, have been shown to be consistent and good predictors of foam quality as perceived judgmentally. The magnitude of the improvement to foam stability caused by the additions of bitter acids, zinc, and propylene glycol alginate can be clearly gauged by this instrumentation.

Keywords: bitter acids, foam, instrumental, measurement, perception, propylene glycol alginate, zinc


Se ha demostrado que la utilizaci�n de dos instrumentos (la analizadora de estabilidad de espuma NIBEM-TPH y la analizadora de adhesi�n de espuma NIBEM-CLM) da una buena y consistente correlaci�n con la calidad de la espuma tal como es juzgado visualmente. La magnitud de la mejora en la estabilidad de la espuma por el uso de aditivos como cinc, �cidos amargos de l�pulo, y alginato de propilen glicol puede ser verificada claramente por estos instrumentos.

Palabras claves: �cidos amargos, espuma, instrumentos, medici�n, percepci�n, alginato de propilen glicol, cinc


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