Some Relationships Between Amylolytic Enzymes Developed in Malted Barley, Extract Recovery, and Sugar Profile

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 4, 2005, pp. 315-318  |  VIEW ARTICLE

R. C. Agu. International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Fifteen barley varieties were studied under similar conditions to investigate the types of relationships that exist between amylolytic enzymes, extract recovery, and sugar profile of malted barley. The results obtained showed that a direct relationship exists between the level of alpha-amylase enzymes synthesized during the malting of barley and the level of extract recovered from malted barley. No direct relationship was observed between the nitrogen content of barley and the level of beta-amylase released in malted barley. Also, no direct relationship was found between the level of beta-amylase enzymes and the level of extract recovery in malted barley. However, a direct relationship was found to exist between the level of beta-amylase enzymes released and the level of alpha-amylase enzymes synthesized in malted barley and the sugar profile present in the wort, with particular reference to maltose and glucose sugars.
Keywords: amylolytic enzymes, barley, extract, malting, proteins, sugars


Se estudiaron quince variedades de cebada bajo condiciones similares para investigar qu� tipo de relaciones existen entre enzimas amilol�ticas, recuperaci�n de extracto y el perfil de az�cares de una determinada variedad. Se observ� que existe una relaci�n directa entre el nivel de enzimas de alfa-amilasa sintetizadas durante el malteo y el nivel de extracto recuperado de la cebada malteada. No se not� ninguna relaci�n entre el contenido de nitr�geno de la cebada y el nivel de beta-amilasa liberado durante el malteo. Tampoco se encontr� ninguna relaci�n entre el contenido de enzimas de beta-amilasa y la recuperaci�n de extracto de la cebada malteada. Sin embargo, si se encontr� una relaci�n directa entre las enzimas de beta-amilasa liberadas y la cantidad de enzimas de alfa-amilasa sintetizadas en la cebada malteada y el perfil de azucares presentes en el mosto, especialmente con respecto a maltosa y azucares glucosidicas.
Palabras claves: enzimas amilol�ticas, cebada, extracto, malteo, prote�nas, azucares


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