Evaluation of the Hopping Potential of Blends of Vernonia amygdalina, Garcinia kola, and Gongronema latifolium on Sorghum Lager Beer Quality and Acceptability

MBAA TQ vol. 41, no. 4, 2004, pp. 403-407  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Afolabi F. Eleyinmi (1), Isiaka A. Amoo (2), A. A. Oshodi (2), and Adeniran Hezekiah (3). 1. Food Science & Technology Department, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2. Chemistry Department, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 3. Food Science & Technology Department, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

The hopping potentials of blends of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf, BL), Gongronema latifolium (utazi, UT), and Garcinia kola (bitter cola, BC), and their blends BL:BC, UT:BL, UT:BC, and UT:BL:BC in ratios of 24:1, 1:7.42, 3.24:1, and 2.89:2.59:1, respectively, as established by using the Corel Quattro Pro 8 computer program were investigated. The essential oil (EO), total resins (TR), iso-alpha acid (IAA), and alpha acid (AA) contents of the blends were determined. The blends were used in place of hops in pilot-scale brewing and compared with hopped beer (HB). The EO, TR, IAA, AA, and tannin (TA) contents of the blends ranged between 1.30 and 1.73%, 18.16 and 20.02%, 3.68 and 6.06%, 8.14 and 10.31%, and 2.43 and 5.19 mg/g, respectively. The blends had significantly higher (P < 0.05) levels of EO and comparable levels of TR with those of hops. Hops had higher values for IAA (10.25%) and AA (11.00%). HB had the lightest color (9.5 EBC), while UT:BC beer was the darkest (14 EBC). HB had the highest bitterness level (26 EBU) followed by UT:BC beer (19.48 EBU). BL:BC had the least bitterness (13.94 EBU). Sensory results showed no significant difference in the color, aftertaste, foam formation and retention, and overall acceptability of HB and experimental beer (ExB) samples. The ExB samples had comparable flavor and bitterness ratings. UT:BL:BC beer had the highest ratings for flavor and bitterness and differs significantly from HB. UT:BL, BL:BC, and UT:BC had flavor and bitterness ratings comparable with those of HB. The blends possess remarkable replacement potential for hops in sorghum-based lager beer brewing.
Keywords: beer quality, brewing, hop substitutes, sensory properties


Se estudi� el potencial de sustituir l�pulo con mezclas de Vernonia amygdalina (hoja amarga, HA), Gongronema latifolium (utazi, UT), y Garcinia kola (cola amarga, CA), y las combinaciones HA:CA, UT:HA, UT:CA, y UT:HA:CA en una relaci�n de 24:1, 1:7.42, 3.24:1, y 2.89:2.59:1, respectivamente, dictada por el programa de computaci�n Corel Quattro Pro 8. Se midi� el contenido de aceite esencial (AE), resinas totales (RT), iso-alfa �cido (IAA), alfa �cido (AA), y tanino (TA) de cada combinaci�n. Se utilizaron estas mezclas en sustituci�n de l�pulo en cervezas de planta piloto, comparando las cervezas con cerveza lupulado (CL). Los cinco par�metros analizados variaron entre 1.30 y 1.73% (AE), 18.16 y 20.02% (RT), 3.68 y 6.06% (IAA), 8.14 y 10.31% (AA), y 2.43 y 5.19% (TA). Las mezclas tuvieron niveles significativamente (P < 0.05) m�s altos de AE, pero niveles comparables de RT, que el l�pulo, pero el l�pulo ten�a valores m�s altos de IAA (10.25%) y AA (11.00%). La cerveza con l�pulo (CL) tuvo el color m�s claro (9.5 EBC), mientras que la cerveza UT:CA fue la m�s oscura (14 EBC). CL tuvo el mayor nivel de amargor (26 EBU), seguida por la cerveza UT:CA (19.48 EBU). HA:CA fue la menos amarga (13.94 EBU). Las pruebas sensoriales no mostraron ninguna diferencia significativa en el color, dejo, formaci�n y retenci�n de espuma, y aceptabilidad en general entre la CL y las cervezas experimentales (CeX). Las CeX tuvieron flavor y amargor comparable entre s�. La cerveza UT:HA:CA recibi� una calificaci�n m�s alta para flavor y amargor, significativamente diferente de CL, UT:HA, y HA:CA, mientras que UT:CA recibi� una calificaci�n de flavor y amargor similar a los de CL. Las combinaciones utilizadas tienen una alta potencial para reemplazar el l�pulo en cervezas elaboradas con sorgo.
Palabras claves: calidad de cerveza, elaboraci�n, sustitutos de l�pulo, propiedades sensoriales


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