Chemical Engineering for Quality Brewing

MBAA TQ vol. 41, no. 1, 2004, pp. 9-17  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Nick J. Huige, Ph.D. Nico Consulting, Waukesha, WI 53188, U.S.A.

Chemical engineers are employed in many areas of brewing including operations, engineering, development, and research. Chemical engineering education teaches basic skills for the application of heat, mass, and momentum transfer to optimize and control many unit operations that are used in brewing. This review will give examples of unit operations, along with some of their quality aspects that were learned on the job and through additional studies. The review will also present a model to predict the loss of product shelf life during storage and transportation at various temperatures.


Se emplean ingenieros qu�micos en muchas �reas cerveceras, incluyendo operaciones, ingenier�a, desarrollo e investigaciones. La educaci�n de un ingeniero qu�mico le ense�a habilidades b�sicas para la aplicaci�n de calor, masa y transferencia de momento para poder optimizar y controlar muchas operaciones unitarias en el proceso cervecero. Este repaso se�alar� ejemplos de operaciones unitarias, junto con algunos de sus aspectos afectando la calidad, aprendidos en el lugar de trabajo y mediante estudios adicionales. Tambi�n se presentar� un modelo para pronosticar la p�rdida de estabilidad al tiempo durante el almacenaje y transporte a diferentes temperaturas.


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