The Scottish & Newcastle Experience with Ergonomics

MBAA TQ vol. 40, no. 4, 2003, pp. 280-282  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Maria Butler. Scottish & Newcastle Plc., Occupational Health and Safety Services, 50 East Fettes Ave., Edinburgh, EH4 1RR, United Kingdom.

Partly as a result of European Union legislation in 1992, an ergonomics adviser was hired by the Occupational Health and Safety Services Department within Scottish & Newcastle to assist with the ergonomic considerations inherent within these regulations. Although employed initially to address the manual handling issues within the beer delivery operations, the role of the ergonomist has evolved to provide support and advice to many of the corporate programs aimed at improving employee health and safety. This paper describes three such programs; namely those of manual handling, display screen equipment, and occupational stress. In addition to describing the systems involved with each of the programs, information is also supplied with respect to the cost benefits of each.
Keywords: corporate program, cost-benefit analysis, display screen equipment, manual handling, occupational stress


El Departamento de Salud Ocupacional y Servicios de Seguridad de Scottish & Newcastle emple� un consultor de ergonom�a para asistir en la evaluaci�n de consideraciones ergon�micas inherentes en la legislaci�n de la Uni�n Europea de 1992. Aunque inicialmente fue empleado para revisar la manera de manejar objetos manualmente en las operaciones de entrega de cerveza, el papel del ergonomista ha evolucionado, dando soporte y consejos a muchos de los programas corporativos visando mejorar la seguridad y salud de sus empleados. Esta presentaci�n describe tres de estos programas: manejo manual, equipo de monitoreo y estr�s ocupacional. Adem�s de describir los sistemas que tienen que ver con cada programa, tambi�n se informa al respecto de los beneficios de costos para cada programa.
Palabras claves: programas corporativos, an�lisis de beneficio de costos, equipo de monitoreo, manejo manual, estr�s ocupacional


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