A Comparison of the Selective Removal of Beer Polyphenols by Lucilite TR and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone from All-Malt Lager

MBAA TQ vol. 40, no. 1, 2003, pp. 17-19  |  VIEW ARTICLE

M. Thompson (1), G. G. Stewart (1), and I. P. McKeown (2). 1. International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2. INEOS Silicas Ltd., Warrington, England.

Certain types of polyphenols (so-called tannoids) are known to limit the shelf life of beer by forming haze with polypeptides, others are thought to increase flavor stability by acting as natural antioxidants, and some contribute to mouthfeel. Reducing the tannoid content of beer is known to extend physical stability. A new product from INEOS Silicas (Warrington, England) called Lucilite TR selectively removes tannoids by mechanisms similar to the action of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). The relative affinities of Lucilite TR and PVPP for polyphenols have been compared for different loadings and contact times by using 12 and 20�P all-malt lagers brewed in the International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD) pilot brewery, as well as a commercially brewed all-malt lager. Beers were evaluated for tannoid and sensitive protein content, total polyphenol content, and chill haze formation and subjected to forced aging.


Ciertos tipos de polifenoles (llamados tanoidos) limitan la estabilidad de la cerveza, formando turbieza al unirse a polip�ptidos, mientras que otros polifenoles posiblemente aumentan la estabilidad sensorial actuando como antioxidantes naturales, mientras que todav�a otros contribuyen al cuerpo de la cerveza. Se sabe que reduciendo el contenido de los tanoidos se extiende la estabilidad f�sica de la cerveza. Un producto nuevo de INEOS Silicas (Warrington, England), Lucilite TR, remueve tanoidos de manera selectiva mediante un mecanismo similar a la acci�n de polivinilpolipirolidona (PVPP). Se ha comparado la afinidad relativa de Lucilite TR y de PVPP para los polifenoles a diferentes concentraciones de estabilizador y tiempos de contacto, con cervezas tipo lager de puro malta de 12�P y 20�P producidas en la planta piloto del International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), como tambi�n en cervezas lager de puro malta producidas comercialmente. Las cervezas fueron evaluadas en cuanto a sus contenidos de tanoido, prote�nas sensibles y polifenoles totales, junto con su susceptibilidad a la formaci�n de turbieza al fr�o y su estabilidad en pruebas forzadas.


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