The Community of Brewers - A Foundation of an Industry and a Craft

MBAA TQ vol. 37, Number 2, 2000, Pages 307-309 VIEW ARTICLE

By Charlie Papazian Association of Brewers, Boulder, Colorado, USA. This paper was originally presented at the MBAA 112th Anniversary Convention, Keystone, Colorado, 1999.

While giving some examples of how the community of Colorado brewers and beer enthusiasts have helped foster a positive image for the industry and craft of brewing, an international perspective on the brewing community will be examined. The brewing industry's tech-nical and educational programs are arguably the most important fac-tor in contributing to industry coherency and healthy competition. These ideas will be discussed in an argument that emphasizes that industry coherency is needed to deserve admiration by consumers. Both a historical and philosophical perspective of the 21 year old Colorado based Association of Brewers and its various divisions and events will be included to support the premise that we must examine the "big picture" and evolve our technical and educational programs to address the current interests. This is the future challenge for the community of Brewers and the prosperous continuation of our craft.

SINTE �SIS Mientras damos unos ejemplos de como la comunidad de cerve-ceros de Colorado y entusiastas de la cerveza han ayudado a fomen-tar una imagen positiva de la industria y arte de la elaboraci�n de cerveza, se examinar� una perspectiva internacional de la comunidad cervecera. Los programas educacionales y t�cnicos de la industria cervecera son sin discusi�n el factor m�s importante contribuyente a la coherencia de la industria y a la competencia sana. Estas ideas se discutir�n en un argumento que enfatiza que la coherencia de la industria es necesaria para ganarse la admiraci�n de los consumi-dores. Las perspectivas tanto hist�ricas como filos�ficas de la Asociaci�n de Cerveceros formada hace 21 a�os y basada en Colorado as� como sus varias divisiones y eventos ser�n incluidos para apoyar la premisa de que debemos examinar la situaci�n global y evolucionar nuestros programas t�cnicos y educativos para poner atenci�n a los intereses actuales. Este es el reto futuro para la comu-nidad de Cerveceros y la continuaci�n pr�spera de nuestra artesan�a.


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