The Control of Beer Production by Anti-Olidative Indexes

MBAA TQ vol. 37, Number 1, 2000, Pages 73-77 VIEW ARTICLE

By Tatsuji Kimura, S. Araki, Y. Nakamura, C. Shimizu, M. Takashio and K. Shinotuka Sapporo Breweries, Ltd., Shizuoka, Japan. This poster was originally presented at the MBAA 112th Anniversary Convention, Keystone, Colorado, 1999.

In a series of experiments to establish an anti-oxidative brewing system, attempts were made to introduce quantitative indexes to optimize mashing and other processes. First of all, analytical systems were optimized to describe the brewing process and the staling rate of the resulting beer, to enable the proper process control from mashing to fermentation. It was confirmed quantitatively that the optimal operation resulted in the production of wort with higher anti-oxidative potency, and that bottled beer brewed from such wort was better in the resistance against staling during a longer storage period. This presentation will be focused on the introduction of analytical methods and the control and optimization of the mashing process by employ- ing the indexes of reducing activities. The difference between the laboratory and the production site results will be also discussed.
Keywords: Mash Optimization, Reducing Activity by MEBAK, Mash Agitation Speeds, Reducing Activity by Chapon Test  

En una seria de experimentos para establecer el sistema antioxidante de la elaboration de la cerveza, se atent introducir indices cuantita- tivos para mejorar la trituracion y otros procesos. Primera que todo, se mejoraron los sistemas analiticos para describir el proceso de la elaboration de la cerveza y la velocidad en que se echa a perder la cerveza resultante, para permitir el control apropiado de proceso desde la trituracion hasta la fermentation. Se confirmo cuantitativamente que la operacion optima resulto en la production de mosto con la potencia antioxidante mas alta y que la cerveza embotellada elab- orada de este mosto fue mas resistente a echarse a perder durante un periodo de almacenamiento mas large. Esta presentation se enfocarzi en la introduceion de metodos anahticos y el control y el proceso de trituracion optima mediante el empleo de indices de actividades de reduction. Tambien se discutira la diferencia entre los resultados del laboratorio y el lugar de production.


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