Application of In-Pipe Yeast Counting Analyzer in Medium to Small Breweries

MBAA TQ vol. 36, Number 3, 1999, Pages 335-338 VIEW ARTICLE

Curtis Holmes H.A. Teass Jr. Paper presented at the MBAA 38th Annual Convention, District Caribbean, May 1999.

To obtain accurate pitching levels, the following requirements which typically have not been met apply. Automatic pitching increases the perfomance of the brewery, simplifies the laboratory's requirements and increases the efficiency of the pitch. The new pitching system at Alaskan brewing Company was found to meet these requirements. Through careful design, the variability and the concentration of pitched yeast was improved by a factor of better than 10: 1. This resulted in improved diacetyl concentration levels.
Keywords: Yeast pitching, particle counting  

Para obtener unos niveles de tirado de levadura precisos, se aplican los siguientes requisitos que t�picamente no han sido satisfechos. El tirado autom�tico aumenta el rendimiento de la cervecer�a, simplifica los requisitos del laboratorio y aumenta la eficacia del tirado. Se encontr� que el nuevo sistema de tirado de la Alaskan brewing Company si satisface estos requisitos. Mediante un dise�o cuidadoso, la variabilidad y la concentraci�n de la levadura tirada se mejoro por un factor mejor de 10:1. Esto result� en mejores niveles de concentraci�n de diacetilos.


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