Some Alternative Views On Beer Flavour

MBAA TQ vol. 35, Number 2, 1998, Pages 91-94 VIEW ARTICLE

By Barry Axcell & Phill Torline

Brewers worldwide have grappled with the problems associated with flavour' instability in an effort to achieve the freshest possible taste of their products for the longest period of time in the marketplace. In spite of all these efforts, they still appears to be a tremendous market for beers which the brewer would classify as stale or oxidized. Perhaps the idea of "fresh beer" is not as important as that of a stable flavour, even if that flavour is judged technically poor by the brewer. This paper explores some alternative views on beer flavour in order to attempt to explain the apparent anomaly of the ready consumption of stale beer in certain markets. The concepts of on-and off-flavours are also investigated especially in light of a rapidly changing marketplace.

Cerveceros en todo elmundo han luchado con los problemas asociados con la inestabilidad del saboren un esfuerzo para lograr el sabor mas fresco de sus productos por el mayortiempo posible en el mercado. A pesar de todos estos esfuerzos, aparentementehay todavia un gran mercado para cervezas que un cervecero calificaria deviejas u oxidadas. Posiblemente el concepto de "cerveza fresca"no sea tan importante como el de un sabor estable, asi ese sabor sea tecnicamentecalificado de "debil" o "indeseable" por el cervecero.Este trabajo explora algunos puntos de vista alternativos de sabor de cervezaen un esfuerzo para explicar la aparente anomalia del consumo masivo decervezas pasadas en ciertos mercados. Tambien se investigan los conceptosde sabores deseables e indeseables, especialmente en vista de un mercadorapidamente cambiante.


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