Computer simulation of brewery effluents.

MBAA TQ vol. 16, no. (1), 1979, pp. 33-38 | VIEW ARTICLE

Robertson, J.L., Brown, L.C. and Murphy, K.L.

Simple arithemetical calculation of brewery waste discharges tends to produce average figures for specified time periods. A more detailed knowledge is often necessary to gain acceptance of waste by the local authority and can be important in the planning of new operations. The 'Monte Carlo' simulation technique has been used to produce predictions of waste flow in actual breweries at a detailed level. The brewing process is split into a set of convenient areas, e.g. brewing, fermentation and packaing and the model is generated using real data combined with a random variable approach. Successful applications have included prediction of the average daily waste loading in situations where sampling could not be used, an assessment of the daily and hourly waste variability and, thirdly, the effects of process modifications on waste outflow.
Keywords: BOD brewery computer effluent model simulation  


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