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P-62. Comparison of Cascade hops grown in the U.S.A. and Germany

Presenter: Andreas Gahr, Hopfenveredlung St. Johann GmbH & Co. KG, Train-St. Johann, Germany
Coauthor: Adrian Forster, HVG Hopfenverwertungsgenossenschaft e.G., Wolnzach, Germany

Due to the huge demand, especially in craft brewing, more and more Cascade hops are grown in the United States and the high alpha market stagnates. So, other hop growing areas are looking for diversification. In 2012 German farmers harvested 6.1 tons of Cascade without hardly any knowledge of the comparability of their crop. The commonalities and differences of Cascade hops of different origin found in this work are presented. Cascade hops of U.S. and Hallertau origin were analyzed for bitter and especially aroma components, as well as for total and low molecular weight polyphenols, and used for all malt lager brewing trials. The single-variety brews focused on hop-derived sensory properties such as bitterness, late-hop, and dry-hop aroma. Analytical values were assessed and compared as well in order to obtain information about transfer rates of hop aroma compounds and polyphenols. Furthermore, some tests describe the losses of some individual aroma components during beer storage.

Andreas Gahr was trained on the job as a brewer and maltster at the Augustiner Brewery, Munich, Germany. He received a brewmaster degree from the Technical University Munich- Weihenstephan in 1994 and worked for another four years at the university for the Chair of Brewing Technology I. Since 1998 Andreas has been the head of the Research Brewery St. Johann, which belongs to the hop processing company Hopfenveredlung St. Johann GmbH & Co. KG and deals with all kinds of hop-related brewing trials and product development, as well as technological and raw material trials for suppliers and the entire brewing industry. Together with his co-authors he received the MBAA Inge Russell Best Paper Award in 2010.

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