Effect of Mashing Regime on Fermentability of Malted Sorghum

MBAA TQ doi:10.1094/TQ-48-2-0422-01  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Reginald C. Agu (1), Vicky Goodfellow (2), and James H. Bryce (2). 1. The Scotch Whisky Research Institute, Research Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP, Scotland. 2. International Centre for Brewing and Distilling, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, Scotland.

The use of sorghum malt in fermentability studies is scarce. This study was carried out to investigate the fermentability potential of sorghum malt. The sorghum variety used in this study was malted commercially in a tropical country and in the laboratory at 28�C. Infusion mashing was poor in obtaining extractable materials from both commercially and laboratory malted sorghum. Conversely, the difference in total soluble nitrogen (TSN) results obtained when sorghum malt was mashed using either the infusion or decantation method was marginal between the two mashing systems. Also, production of free amino nitrogen (FAN) from the TSN released when both mashing systems were used to extract sorghum malt was similar. Fermentability results obtained from sorghum malt were more complex and difficult to understand and interpret. A similar correlation was also found between low predicted spirit yield (LPSY) obtained from infusion-mashed sorghum malt versus higher predicted spirit yield (HPSY) obtained from decantation-mashed sorghum malt. Furthermore, when correlation analysis was performed between HFE obtained from decantation-mashed sorghum malt versus HPSY obtained from decantation-mashed sorghum malt, the result was also similar to that found when similar correlation analysis was performed between LFE obtained from infusion-mashed sorghum malt versus LPSY obtained from infusion-mashed sorghum malt. While these correlation results clearly show that fermentable extracts are strongly linked to predicted spirit yield (PSY) obtained from malted sorghum can also give misleading information. A researcher working on sorghum malt but using the standard infusion mashing method developed to extract well-modified barley malt would erroneously tend to conclude that the infusion method was as effective as decantation mashing in extracting materials from sorghum malt. This highlights the importance of development and use of suitable analytical methods for sorghum and malt. Notwithstanding, the results of this study show that sorghum malt can produce good PSY results, but like other cereals, suitable sorghum variety, adequate malting and mashing conditions are pre-requisites.

Keywords: decantation, infusion, malt, mashing, predicted spirit yield, sorghum 

Existe poca informaci�n sobre el uso de malta de sorgo en procesos de fermentaci�n. Este estudio se realiz� con el prop�sito de investigar el potencial de malta de sorgo. La variedad de sorgo utilizado fue malteado en el laboratorio a 28�C y tambi�n comercialmente en un pa�s tropical. Una maceraci�n tipo infusi�n dio pobre resultados en la obtenci�n de extracto, tanto del sorgo malteado comercialmente como el del laboratorio. Solo se obtuvo una peque�a diferencia en la obtenci�n de nitr�geno soluble total o de nitr�geno libre de amino (FAN) al comparar la maceraci�n por infusi�n y la maceraci�n por decantaci�n. Los resultados de las pruebas de fermentaci�n usando malta de sorgo fueron complejos y dif�ciles de interpretar y entender. Hubo una correlaci�n entre el LPSY (bajo rendimiento de alcohol pronosticado) de la maceraci�n por infusi�n con el HPSY (mayor rendimiento de alcohol pronosticado) obtenido por decantaci�n. La correlaci�n entre HFE (higher fermentable extract) y HPSY de malta de sorgo macerado por decantaci�n fue similar a la obtenida entre LFE (low fermentable extract) y LPSY de malta de sorgo macerado por infusi�n. Si bien estos resultados de correlaci�n muestran claramente que la cantidad de extracto fermentable tiene fuerte influencia sobre el rendimiento de alcohol pronosticado (PSY) de malta de sorgo, esto tambi�n puede llevar a conclusiones equivocadas. Un investigador trabajando con malta de sorgo que use el m�todo est�ndar de infusi�n (desarrollado para la maceraci�n de cebada malteada bien modificada) podr�a concluir equivocadamente que la maceraci�n por infusi�n era igual de efectivo en la obtenci�n de extracto de malta de sorgo que la maceraci�n por decantaci�n. Esto destaca la importancia de desarrollar m�todos anal�ticos apropiados para sorgo y para malta de sorgo. Estos resultados demuestran que la malta de sorgo puede producir buenos resultados de PSY, pero depende de la variedad de sorgo utilizado y de las condiciones adecuados de malteo y de maceraci�n.

Palabras claves: decantaci�n, infusi�n, maceraci�n, malta, PSY (�predicted spirit yield�), sorgo


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