A New Global Approach to Tasting

MBAA TQ vol. 45, no. 4, 2008, pp. 348-351  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Barry Axcell. SABMiller, 65 Park Lane, Sandton ZA-2146, South Africa.

With the large-scale globalization of SABMiller, a decision was made to use a common method of tasting in all countries. This provided an opportunity to review the various systems currently in use and to look at their advantages and disadvantages. A new approach was developed that has provided a number of distinct advantages over the old systems. These include the ability to use the full range of the taste scales; the ability to track trends and improvements; and the creation of a problem-solving tool and an auditable system, as well as a means of benchmarking a taster�s performance with peers worldwide. Brands produced in different locations around the world can be rated in their centers of production, knowing that the values obtained are comparable to those using a central panel, without the need for transporting samples. The rationale behind this new system is discussed together with the benefits provided.

Keywords: beer tasting, flavor training


Como resultado de la globalizaci�n, SABMiller decidi� utilizar un m�todo com�n de catar la cerveza. Se revisaron los diferentes m�todos utilizados para considerar sus ventajas y desventajas. Se desarroll� un nuevo m�todo que tiene varias ventajas: utilizaci�n de la escala completa de sabores, la habilidad de detectar tendencias y mejoras, su utilizaci�n como una herramienta para resolver problemas con un m�todo auditable, as� como una manera de evaluar el desempe�o de cada catador en comparaci�n con el de sus colegas en el mundo entero. Marcas producidas en diferentes sitios pueden ser evaluadas en su local de producci�n sin necesidad de enviar las muestras a otros sitios, a sabiendas que sus resultados ser�an comparables con los resultados obtenidos por un jurado central. Se discute la l�gica detr�s de este m�todo as� como los beneficios obtenidos.

Palabras claves: cataci�n de cerveza, entrenamiento sensorial


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