Happy Fish Due To or In Spite Of an Optimized Wastewater Treatment System?

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 4, 2005, pp. 309-314  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Vera Groot Kormelinck. Paques B.V., PO Box 52, 8560 AB Balk, The Netherlands.

The demands of excellent effluent quality have to be met by Karlsberg Brewery in Homburg, Germany. They discharge their purified wastewater into a small river. A necessary condition for discharging into this river is that there should be no ecological damage to the existing ecosystem. Until the late 1990s, Karlsberg Brewery discharged its wastewater into the municipal wastewater treatment plant. Economic factors and the conviction that the effluent demands could be met with an industrial wastewater treatment plant made Karlsberg decide to build its own plant. This paper provides the historical background of the project and a description of the technologies applied. Operational data, including any problems that occurred during startup, are discussed, as well as the economic benefits of the wastewater treatment plant. This enables an overview of the current state of the art in the treatment of brewery effluent.
Keywords: aerobic treatment, anaerobic treatment, BIOPAQ� IC, brewery effluent, wastewater

Figures 2, 3, and 4 are in color in this online article. 

La Cervecer�a Carlsberg en Hamburgo, Alemania, descarga sus efluentes tratadas en un peque�o r�o, por lo que debe acatar normas muy estrictas en cuanto a la calidad de estos efluentes, dado que son obligados a no causarle da�os ecol�gicos al r�o como condici�n a que sigan descargando en �l. Hasta fines de la d�cada de 1990, la Cervecer�a Carlsberg descargaba sus efluentes en la planta de tratamiento municipal, pero factores econ�micos la llevaron a construir su propia planta de tratamiento. Aqu� damos el fondo hist�rico del proyecto y una descripci�n de la tecnolog�a aplicada. Se discuten los datos operacionales y los problemas que surgieron en el arranque de la planta, as� como los beneficios econ�micos de este proyecto. Esto dar� una idea del estado actual del arte del tratamiento de efluentes cerveceras.
Palabras claves: tratamiento aer�bico, tratamiento anaer�bico, BIOPAQ� IC, efluente cervecero, efluentes


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