Effect of the Storage of Surplus Yeast on the Quality of Recoverable Yeast Beer

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 3, 2005, pp. 219-222  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Mark Schneeberger, Martin Krottenthaler, and Werner Back. Technische Universit�t M�nchen, Lehrstuhl f�r Technologie der Brauerei 1, Weihenstephaner Steig 20, D-85354 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany.

The quality of recoverable yeast beer is directly related to the quality of the yeast suspension itself. By extending the storage time of the surplus yeast suspension, the quality of the yeast beer decreases. This condition is made even worse by elevated storage temperatures (higher than 4�C). In order to obtain high-quality yeast beer, it is requisite that the storage time of the yeast suspension be as short as possible and that the storage temperature be kept lower than 4�C. In addition, yeast beer should be flash-pasteurized to inactivate any possible yeast enzyme activity.
Keywords: aroma extract dilution analysis, foam stability, surplus yeast, yeast beer, yeast vitality


La calidad de cerveza recuperada de levadura depende directamente de la calidad de la suspensi�n de levadura; esta calidad sufre al extenderse el tiempo de almacenamiento de la suspensi�n, especialmente si la temperatura de almacenaje es superior a 4�C. Para una cerveza recuperada de buena calidad, se ha de minimizar el tiempo de almacenaje de la suspensi�n y mantener la temperatura de almacenaje por debajo de 4�C. Es tambi�n necesario pasteurizar la cerveza recuperada mediante una pasteurizaci�n �flash� (alta temperatura, corto tiempo) para inactivar cualquier actividad enzim�tica residual de la levadura.
Palabras claves: an�lisis de aroma de extracto diluido, estabilidad de espuma, levadura excedente, cerveza recuperada de levadura, vitalidad de levadura


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