Biogas Generation from Brewery Wastes: Demonstration at a Laboratory Scale

MBAA TQ vol. 41, no. 4, 2004, pp. 394-397  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Dr. Kanagasooriyam Kanagachandran. The Lion Brewery Ceylon Ltd., 254 Colombo Road, Biyagama, Sri Lanka.

The feasibility of generating biogas from a combination of brewers spent grain and brewery wastewater was investigated. Three methods of combining spent grain with wastewater to elevate the biogas generation potential were studied. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) obtained from lager spent grain was 0.06, 0.10, and 0.15 kg/kg of wet spent grain for extraction, leaching, and slurry preparation methods, respectively. The high-strength spent grain leachate (COD of 50,000 mg/L) was anaerobically treated in a two-stage system. Acidogenesis reduced the COD and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) by 40 and 52%, respectively, whereas approximately 88 and 73% reductions in COD and BOD, respectively, were evident in the methanogenic phase. The generated biogas contained approximately 20�45% (vol/vol) carbon dioxide and burned as a steady blue flame. This outlined process can be improved distinctively by optimizing the process parameters and design.
Keywords: acidogenesis, anaerobic digestion, methanogenesis, spent grain, wastewater


Se investig� la viabilidad de generar biogas de una combinaci�n de afrecho/dreche y efluentes cerveceros, Se estudiaron tres diferentes combinaciones con el fin de elevar la potencial de generaci�n de biogas. La demanda qu�mica de ox�geno (DQO) obtenida de afrecho de cervezas lager fue de 0.06, 0.10, y 0.15 kg/kg de afrecho mojado seg�n se prepar� mediante extracci�n, lixiviaci�n y mezcla acuosa, respectivamente. La soluci�n con fuerte carga bioqu�mica (DQO de 50,000 mg/L) fue tratada anaer�bicamente en un sistema de dos etapas. Acidog�nesis redujo el DQO y la demanda bioqu�mica de ox�geno (DBO) en 40 y 52%, respectivamente, mientras que en la fase metanog�nico se obtuvo una reducci�n equivalente de 88 y 73%. El biogas generado ten�a aproximadamente 20�45% (vol/vol) gas carb�nico y se quemaba con una llama continua azul. El proceso podr�a ser mejorado mediante la optimizaci�n de los par�metros y del dise�o del proceso.
Palabras claves: acidog�nesis, digesti�n anaer�bica, metanog�nesis, afrecho/dreche, efluentes


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