Cross Flow Filtration for Clarification of Lager Beer - Economic Reality

MBAA TQ vol. 38, Number 4, 2001, Pages 207-210  |  VIEW ARTICLE

T. Reinoud Noordman (1), C. Peet (1), W. Iverson (1), L. Broens (2), and S. van Hoof (2). 1. Heineken Technical Services, Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands. 2. Norit Membrane Technology, Hengelo, The Netherlands. A poster accepted for presentation at the MBAA Guadalajara Convention, 2001.

A collaborative research and development project between Heineken Technical Services and Norit Membrane Technology has resulted in the development of a new cross flow membrane filtration process. This paper reports on a new oxidative cleaning agent and cleaning regime, which have made cross flow filtration a feasible alternative to kieselguhr filtration. Filtration runs of 7 to 20 h (average 10 h) have been achieved over approximately 120 runs. The new cleaning regime allows the membrane to be easily cleaned, completely and repetitively. Changing the cleaning regime has reduced the costs of membrane filtration for beer clarification to about $0.42/hL, the same as that of kieselguhr filtration. Process optimizations should continue to reduce the costs of membrane filtration.
Keywords: Filtration, kieselguhr, bright beer, membranes, environment  

Un proyecto de desarrollo y de investigaci�n colaborativo entre Heineken Technical Services y Norit Membrane Technology ha resultado en el desarrollo de un proceso de filtraci�n de membrana de flujo cruzado. Este documento trata de un nuevo agente de limpieza oxidativo y de un r�gimen de limpieza, los cuales han hecho la filtraci�n de flujo cruzado una posible alternativa a la filtraci�n kieselgur. Se han logrado corridas de filtraci�n de 7 a 20 horas (10 horas en promedio) en aproximadamente 120 corridas. El nuevo r�gimen de limpieza permite que la membrana se limpie f�cilmente, completa y repetitivamente. El cambio del r�gimen de limpieza ha reducido los costos de filtraci�n de membrana para la clarificaci�n de la cerveza a aproximadamente 42 centavos de d�lar/hL, lo mismo que la filtraci�n kieselgur. Las mejoras del proceso continuar�n reduciendo los costos de la filtraci�n de membrana.


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