The Development of a Gasket Exchange System for Kegs

MBAA TQ vol. 37, Number 1, 2000, Pages 129-134 VIEW ARTICLE

By Takahiko Okada, S. Ogata, N. Endo, T. Suzuki, K. Shimomura, H. Sawaguchi, H. Izawa and A. Matsuda Kirin Brewery Company Ltd., Yokohama, Japan. This poster was originally presented at the MBAA 112th Anniversary Convention, Keystone, Colorado, 1999.

Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd. exchanges aging keg gaskets (distinguish- able by a change in color) as a measure to prevent troubles during production or in the market. This process requires many operators due to Knin's decision to use extractor tubes with a safety lug to prevent expulsion during handling. A gasket exchange system was therefore developed that consists of the following four machines: 1) Automatic tube extractor (60 KPH): loosens the keg cap, separates the tube from the body and extracts the tube from the keg. Separation and extraction of the tube is carried out using a vibrator system. 2) Automatic tube assembler (60 KPH): connects the tube to the body (these parts are inserted into the keg by an operator), and tightens the cap to a specified torque. 3) Automatic main seal gasket exchanger (120 tubes/H): removes old gasket and fits the new one. 4) Seal rings assembler (380 bodies/H): a manually operated machine that is used to fit gaskets to the body. This system is operated by two operators per batch, and has an operating capacity of approximately 500 kegs per day. It is presently undergoing trials at the Toride plant. It is planned to introduce this system into Kirin's other plants in the near future.
Keywords: Keg Gaskets, Keg Gasket Exchange System, Keg Seal Gaskets  

La Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd. cambia los empaques gastados de los barriles (que se distinguen por el cambio de color) como una medida par prevenir problemas durante la producci6n o en el mercado. Este proceso requiere muchos operadores debido a la decision de la Kirin de usar tubos extractores con una aleta de seguridad para prevenir la expulsi6n durante el manejo. De tal manera se desarrollo un sistema de cambio de empaques que consiste de las cuatro maquinas sigu- ientes: 1) Tubo extractor automatico (60 KPH): afloja la tapa del barril, separa el tubo del cuerpo y extrae al tubo del barril. La separation y extraction del tubo se llevan cabo usando un sistema de vibration. 2) Tubo ensamblador autom&ico (60 KPH): conecta al tubo con el cuerpo (estas partes se insertan al barril por un operador), y aprieta la tapa a un moment0 de torsion especifico. 3) Maquina de cambio del empaque sellador principal automatica: (120 tubas/H): remueve el empaque antiguo y pone el nuevo. 4) Ensamblador de anillos de sellado (380 cuerpos/H): unit maquina de operacition manual que se usa para meter los empaques en el cuerpo. Este sistema es operado por dos operadores por remesa, y tiene una capacidad de operacion de aproximadamente 500 barriles por dia. Ahora esta maquinas esta siendo sometida a pruebas en la plan- ta de Toride. Se esta planeando introducir este sistema en otras plan- tas de la Kirin en un futuro no muy lejano.


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