100% Waste Recycling at Asahi Breweries, Ltd.

MBAA TQ vol. 35, Number 1, 1998, Pages 44-46 VIEW ARTICLE

By Y. Masuyama

Last November, Ibaraki Brewery of Asahi Breweries, Ltd. achieved success in recycling 100% of its brewery waste. Hereafter, we will refer to this process as "zero waste" which includes not only waste from manufacturing processes, but also that from distribution departments and offices. This year we will achieve zero waste at another two breweries. Next year, we will achieve 100% recycling from nine breweries, including a new one scheduled to begin operations next spring.
Keywords: None.  

SINTISIS El pasado Noviembre, la Cerveceria lbaraki del grupo Asahi, consiguio con exito reciclar 100% de sus deshechos. De aqui en adelante nos referiremos a este proceso como "cero deshechos," lo cual incluye no solo desperdicios del proceso de manufactura, sino tam- bien de los departamentos de distribucion y oficinas. Este ana lograremos tambien cera desechos en otras dos cervecerias del sis- tema. El proximo ana, alcanzaremos 100% reciclaje en 9 cervecerias, incluyendo una que esta programada entran en operacion la proxima primavera.


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