Fractionation and utilization of bakers yeast.

MBAA TQ vol. 14, no. (1), 1977, pp. 35-39 | VIEW ARTICLE

Seeley, R.S.

The major method of utilising the by-products of the food and beverage industry is in animal feeds rather than human foods for various reasons. One key difference between a food and feed ingredient is in functional properties. A food ingredient must possess functional properties which will have desired effects as a component of a food system. Bakers yeast solids which has only limited functional value as a food ingredient can be fractionated into three food ingredients - bakers yeast protein, bakers yeast glycan and bakers yeast extract. These yeast fractions have functional values, as food ingredients, in food systems, far superior to the whole bakers yeast solids. The method of isolation, chemical composition, functional values and food applications of bakers yeast protein, glycan and extract is described.
Keywords: bakers' yeast by-product feed food separation  


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