Minerals in Brewing Water | Master Brewers Webinar​

Broadcast Date: Thursday, June 24th, 2021 ​| 11:00 am Central

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Webinar Summary

During this webinar, the presenter will discuss common minerals in the water, such as hardness and iron, and will discuss primary methods for addressing these minerals.  He will discuss what is present and how to adjust the levels to optimize flavor.  We will go through examples of mineral contents in different styles of beer, then discuss strategies for adjusting those minerals.     Constant water quality throughout your plants is part of a consistent brewing strategy, no matter where the plant.

About Presenter


Robert Cohen 
Evoqua Water Technologies 

​Bob’s extensive background in water strategies started in 1978.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from Washington University and has held roles such as water treatment chemical sales, field service, research and development, and marketing.  As a certified trainer and instructional designer, his highly technical presentation style has been specifically requested including as a workshop presenter at the International Water Conference.  The positions he has held give him a unique perspective on water, with the hands-on knowledge from the field service, to the strong chemical understanding from the R&D side.