Insights on Producing and Copacking Special Products in a Brewery Environment

MBAA TQ vol. 44, no. 3, 2007, pp. 183-189  |  VIEW ARTICLE

R. J. Klimovitz. Technical Director, Master Brewers Association of the Americas, 9094 165th St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729.

Brewers developed procedures for the production of high-alcohol �clear malt base� in the early 1980s, and since that time, there have been several periods of consumer interest in malt-based alcoholic beverages (e.g., White Mountain Cooler followed by Zima followed by Smirnoff Ice). Added to this was the interest that many small regional breweries took in producing soft drinks in their breweries, which contributed to the success of craft-brewed sodas (e.g., Henry Weinhard�s root beer and Sprecher root beer). Next came the proliferation of energy drinks, along with several natural fruit-juice sparklers (e.g., Rockstar and IZZE). Most of these are produced in regional breweries, primarily due to the fact that breweries have tunnel pasteurizers. Brewers naturally have many questions and concerns when asked by management to produce or copack special products in their breweries. This article addresses some of these questions and concerns.

Keywords: clear malt base, energy drinks, fruit-juice sparklers, special products 

Los cerveceros desarrollaron a comienzos de los a�os 1980 procedimientos para la producci�n de una �base de malta clara� de alto contenido de alcohol, y desde aquel tiempo ha habido varios per�odos en que los consumidores se han interesado en bebidas alcoh�licas a base de malta (e.g., White Mountain Cooler seguido por Zima seguido por Smirnoff Ice). Adicionalmente hubo cervecer�as regionales quienes se interesaron en producir bebidas gaseosas en sus plantas, contribuyendo al �xito de sodas artesanales (e.g., el �root beer� de Henry Weinhard y el de Sprecher). Luego vinieron las bebidas energ�ticas juntas con varios jugos de fruta naturales efervescentes (e.g., Rockstar e IZZE). La mayor�a de estos productos son elaborados en cervecer�as regionales, siendo la raz�n principal que estas tienen pasteurizadores tipo t�nel. Los cerveceros por lo general tienen muchas preguntas cuando se les pide que produzcan (o envasan) productos especiales en su planta. Este art�culo trata de ayudar responder a estas preguntas y preocupaciones.

Palabras claves: base de malta clara, bebidas energ�ticas, jugos de fruta efervescentes, productos especiales


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